Important Messages Log
August 26, 2020
A message from Vice Chancellor Willie L. Banks Jr., Ph.D.
Fall 2020 Student Experience

Dear Anteater Community,
Whether you join us virtually or in person, I want to welcome our new and returning students to UCI. Since transitioning the campus to remote operations back in March, we have been preparing for the start of Fall 2020. We have been working closely with state and local public health agencies, health experts at UCI, and evaluating how universities across the country are faring with their opening plans. What we can tell you with certainty is that the student experience will look and feel different for everyone.This message is intended to provide you information about the fall quarter experience and is subject to change depending on the health status of the campus and county.
The State of California has recently released its guidance for institutions of higher education and we are adhering to these plans that are designed to lower the risk of transmission in higher education campus communities.

As a Reminder
If you are on campus or planning to visit the campus you must do the following:
- Wear a face covering – Executive Directive
- Wash your hands well and often. Carry hand sanitizer and surface wipes.
- Keep six feet (two meters) of distance between yourself and others whenever possible – Executive Directive
- Take the Healthy Practices Training for Students in CampusGroups.
- Monitor your symptoms by participating in the Living Well Daily Symptom screening – Executive Directive
- Take the Anteater Pledge (coming soon in CampusGroups)

- Almost all undergraduate classes will take place online. There will be a very limited number of classes that require in-person participation. For more information on courses offered in person visit: reg.uci.edu/addl/faq_covid.html
- Graduate student classes will be offered either online or in person. Graduate students can contact their department for more information on the mode of instruction offerings.

Student Housing
- Based on State guidance, there will be one student per room for undergraduate residence halls and group living units (Mesa Court, Middle Earth and Arroyo Vista).
- THANKSGIVING BREAK: Students who reside in Mesa Court, Middle Earth and Arroyo Vista and decide to leave for their permanent residence during Thanksgiving Break are strongly recommended to stay in their permanent residence until the start of Winter Quarter. Students who decide to return to their residence halls are subject to move-in protocols which includes testing and a 7-day sequestration. Additional details and instructions will be sent to residents in these communities.
- Testing will be required at move-in and on a regular basis in order to stay in housing. More information on the testing protocol will be provided to residents.
- Students living on campus will be required to monitor their symptoms for 14 days prior to their arrival, followed by a 7-day sequestration period after arriving.
- Visitors are strictly prohibited in housing units.
- Grab-and-go meals will be offered in our residential dining facilities.
- Increased cleaning and sanitation protocols will be instituted.
- All on-campus students will be required to take the “Housing COVID-19 Student Training” before move-in.
- Isolation and quarantine spaces have been set aside for residents.
- Students who wish to cancel their Mesa Court, Middle Earth or Arroyo Vista housing contracts should do so by August 31, 2020 by visiting: housing.uci.edu/rates/Contract_Cancellation.html
- For more information on Student Housing, please visit housing.uci.edu, email housing@uci.edu, or call 949-824-6811.

Campus Resources and Operations
Most physical offices will be closed but their operations continue remotely. If you plan on visiting an office on campus, please check departmental websites for instructions and information on accessing resources.

Virtual Anteater Involvement Fair
We encourage students to discover opportunities to get involved with clubs and organizations. A long-standing campus tradition, the Anteater Involvement Fair will be held virtually September 28-30. For more information visit: campusorgs.uci.edu/program_events/anteater_involvement.php

Anteater Pledge
The Anteater Pledge (coming soon on CampusGroups) is a commitment to our campus community to do everything we can to reduce the spread of the coronavirus on our campus. As part of this commitment, we also are rolling out the Anteater Pledge Ambassador program. Ambassadors are students, staff and faculty and will be responsible for educating and engaging their peers on how to reduce the spread of the virus responsible for COVID-19. For more information, visit: whcs.uci.edu/ambassadors

Commitment to Your Health and Wellness
We know that the start of the school year can bring worry and stress. This is certainly amplified this year. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with campus resources to support your mental health and well-being:
- UCI Student Health Center
- UCI Counseling Center
- Center for Student Wellness & Health Promotion
- FRESH Basic Needs Hub
Campus leaders, staff and administrators have been planning for a successful opening, but the sobering reality is that the coronavirus is highly contagious and the consequences are dire. We do not take our opening plans lightly and we all are responsible for doing our part to keep friends, colleagues and fellow Anteaters safe.
If you have any questions regarding our fall opening plans, please feel free to contact the UCI Coronavirus Hotline at 949-824-9918 or email covid19@uci.edu.

Willie L. Banks Jr., Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
University of California, Irvine
Important Messages
- Important Campus Coronavirus Messages »
- 2022
- September 8Fall 2022 - Welcome & COVID-19 Return to Campus Testing
- June 14Angel Stadium Commencement Speaker update
- 2021
- July 20Fall ‘21 Undergraduate Student Housing Update
- 2020
- September 2Important: Testing Requirements for All Students on Campus
- August 26Fall 2020 Student Experience
- August 24Daily Symptom Check Screening for UCI Students
- June 112020-21 Academic Year Information
- March 30Message on Tuition and Fees
- March 17Spring Housing Plans - Action Needed Now
- 2019
- February 8UCI Task Force on Campus Culture - Alcohol, Drugs and Behaviors